
Welcome to demo of hugo’s theme PaperMod.

  • PaperMod is a simple but fast and responsive theme with useful feature-set that enhances UX.
  • Do give a 馃専 on Github !
  • PaperMod is based on theme Paper.

OpenWRT on Raspberry Pi

Weekend migration from EdgeRouter Lite to Raspberry Pi 5 Clean (re)install cd /tmp/ wget sysupgrade -v -n openwrt-24.10.0-bcm27xx-bcm2712-rpi-5-squashfs-sysupgrade.img.gz + add factory reset option First connect The eth0 interface is configured that way it has static IP address. ssh-keygen -R ssh [email protected] passwd Then update lan to use DHCP: vi /etc/config/network config interface 'lan' option device 'br-lan' option proto 'dhcp' Configure USB Ethernet adapter as WAN opkg update opkg install kmod-usb-net-rtl8152 Then add the following to /etc/config/network....

February 13, 2025 路 3 min 路 Bart Prokop

Sunday, 17th November 2024

Few nice command lines Post sysupgrade OpenWrt package fix I鈥檝e upgraded OpenWRT to latest version, but despite configuration files being preserved, I need to reinstall packages. Here is my latest customization command for my own easy reference. # opkg update # opkg install zerotier msmtp-mta wireguard-tools luci-proto-wireguard \ prometheus-node-exporter-lua Undo rebind protection on EdgeRouter X As I still not migrated to my new Pi5 router at my Belfast home, I needed to waste time to add my domain to whitelist private IP addresses....

November 17, 2024 路 2 min 路 Bart Prokop

Saturday, 26th October 2024

Getting Docker on Arch Linux My old Gist is still relevant: but be comfortable to switch to volumes for data persistence. pacman -S docker systemctl start docker.service docker info I will need genfstab - # mount root BTRFS volume and create Docker dedicated subvolume mkdir /mnt/sda2 mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 cd /mnt/sda2 btrfs subvolume create svols/docker pacman -S arch-install-scripts mkdir /var/lib/docker mount -o subvol=/svols/docker /dev/sda2 /var/lib/docker genfstab / /dev/sda2 /var/lib/docker btrfs rw,noatime,ssd,discard=async,space_cache=v2,subvol=/svols/docker 0 0 # Reboot and ensure all filesystems are mounted as expected....

October 26, 2024 路 4 min 路 Bart Prokop

Saturday, 19th October 2024

Aligning IPv4 and IPv6 numbering I use following Class C for three network location: - location 1 - location 2 - location 3 That gives 16 subnets per location, e.g. main network, guest network, IoT, DMZ, etc. The VLAN id is added to third octet, so if I use VLAN 1 and VLAN 5, it will give: - main network in location 1, VLAN 1. - guest netwoek in location 1, VLAN 5....

October 19, 2024 路 8 min 路 Bart Prokop

Sunday, 13th October 2024

Few nice command lines How to check processor you have on your Linux box There is lscpu command, but in case it is not availabe, the following will do the trick: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | head -n 1 model name : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU E3827 @ 1.74GHz Changes in last git commit This is mega usefull to show last commit changes: git diff HEAD^ HEAD Fixing this blog on CloudFlare pages I updated the PaperMod theme and got CloudFlare build failing with:...

October 13, 2024 路 4 min 路 Bart Prokop