Kopia remote backup

I lease Kimsufi dedicated server. It has large enough HDD to use it as offsite backup. https://kopia.io/ is the new backup tool, I want to try out. Prerequisites Remote server I want a new kopia regular user account that will allow SFTP access and will be locked otherwise. The scponly pseudo-shell can be used to achieve that. sudo pacman -S scponly sudo useradd -m -s /usr/bin/scponly kopia sudo mkdir /home/kopia/.ssh sudo chown kopia:kopia /home/kopia/....

December 27, 2022 · 2 min · Bart Prokop

Backing BTRFS filesystem with Restic to Storj.

I’m using BTRFS on my home server. One of subvolumes is called media and is used to store curated collection of personal and professional photos, movies, books, etc. for whole family. In this post, I will share my experience with backing the whole media NAS share (currently 116 GiB). Backup procedure Consistency - preparing backup source First snapshot btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /mnt/t20raid/svols/media /mnt/t20raid/snaps/media/2022-05-31 Create a readonly snapshot of '/mnt/t20raid/svols/media' in '/mnt/t20raid/snaps/media/2022-05-31' restic backup to Storj via S3 gateway...

June 5, 2022 · 2 min · Bart Prokop